Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We Have Social Media Lift-Off

Mission accomplished! Elite has launched a number of new places where you can find the friendly expertise and customized service you've come to expect from Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. 

For quick updates:
Follow us on Twitter

To make professional network connections with Elite, head to our LinkedIn page:

This blog also aims to offer a venue for the latest in-depth news from Elite as well as entries from our experts.  We have been a leader in the EMC and Environmental test industry for more than 50 years and with the help of these new features, we hope to bring those decades of experience and knowledge to you that much faster.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Elite Electronic Engineering Inc enters the Age of Social Media

With the ever increasing popularity and accessibility of social media, it is a wonder that Elite has only just begun to break into this exciting new arena. This novel terrain will hopefully now allow us to connect even more personally to our customers as well as to serve them on an instanteous basis. This new blog is being created in the hopes that you customers will find us and utilize all the resources our company has to offer from top of the line electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) testing facilities and environmental stress testing to the chance to converse with experts in the electrical engineering industry. It is our wish here to provide the utmost in customized attention, answers and services to those of you out there who need us...and perhaps don't even know it yet.

Services Offered By Elite Electronic Engineering Inc.

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Got a question about Elite's tests or capabilities? Contact us!

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